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Non-surgical Spinal Decompression treatment:

The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that travels down the back of the leg to the bottom of the foot. It originates from the spine at the level of the low back and has many branches. Irritation of the sciatic nerve at any point along its path is commonly referred to as “sciatica”. The symptoms of sciatica often include sharp pain, numbness, tingling or burning in the back of the legs. In severe circumstances, weakness in the legs can also be seen. Sciatic nerve irritation can take many forms. One of the more serious causes of sciatica is direct compression or impingement from a disc bulge or herniated disc. Treatment to eliminate sciatica symptoms should include methods that painlessly remove this compression without drugs or surgery – such as Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression.


The bones of the spine are separated by tough cartilage pads called intervertebral discs (inter = “between”; vertebral = “bones of the spine”). Healthy discs are thick and flexible (like a wet sponge) allowing a wide range of bending and twisting motions. An unhealthy disc is stiff and hard (like a dry sponge) and prone to injuries such as bulging or herniation. Over time gravity, spinal joint dysfunction and accumulated trauma cause the discs to compress, flatten and degenerate. This constant compression prevents much-needed oxygen and nutrients from entering the disc. This ongoing starvation causes the once-tough outer layers of the disc to soften allowing the disc to become injured or diseased. Disc damage can occur anywhere in the spine. However, the discs of the neck (cervical spine) and low back (lumbar spine) are the most commonly injured. Disease of the spinal discs can take many forms. Significant disc damage can lead to a Disc Bulge, become a tear called a Disc Herniation or the inner gelatinous material of the disc can leak out in the case of a Ruptured Disc. The “jelly center” of the disc can also dry out over time which is referred to as Degenerative Disc Disease. All forms of disc injury can eventually impinge on the nerves exiting the spine (“Pinched Nerve”) which can create numbness, tingling, burning or sharp pain down the arms or legs. Sharp pain originating from the back and “shooting” down the legs is often referred to as Sciatica. The most effective treatment available to reverse sciatica caused by a disc bulge or herniated disc is Non-Surgical Spinal Disc Decompression.


Non-Surgical Spinal Disc Decompression provides relief to sciatica sufferers by gently reducing the pressure within spinal discs. The bones of the spine are slowly and methodically separated using Spinal Decompression equipment. As the vertebrae are separated pressure is slowly reduced within the disc (intradiscal pressure) until a vacuum is formed. This vacuum “sucks” the gelatinous center of the disc back into the disc thereby reducing the disc bulge or herniated disc. Significant reduction removes pressure off the sciatic nerve roots and drastically reduces pain and disability. This “sucking” vacuum also pulls much-needed oxygen and nutrients into injured and degenerated discs allowing the healing to begin.The treatment motion is computer controlled to provide gentle and painless decompression of the injured spinal discs. Advanced decompression techniques separate slowly and cycle between brief moments of pulling and relaxing (oscillation). This reduces protective muscle spasm that contributed to the poor success rate of other “traction” techniques. The latest decompression technologies also incorporate angulated elongation methods to target specific discs of the spine .